Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Making the (In-Engine) Announcement Trailer

    Making the (In-Engine) Announcement Trailer

    I’ve gotten a few questions about the trailer, all from people who haven’t seen the game in action (have you heard you’ll be able to play it at E3?!). Let me clarify: none of it is video-editing magic, it’s all recorded in Unity — that is, I used the technology in the game to make the trailer itself! I knew I wanted to create…

  • IndieCade Showcase @ E3

    IndieCade Showcase @ E3

    Curious when you can play the game yourself? You might get a chance soon… A CASE OF DISTRUST WILL BE AT E3 2017! The game will be in the IndieCade Showcase section alongside other fantastic indies. There will be a playable demo on the show floor this June! For those who don’t know about the Electronic…

  • Greenlit


    So, I know I promised future posts will be about more than Greenlight — and from now on, they all will be, because: A CASE OF DISTRUST HAS BEEN GREENLIT! Thank you so very much to everyone who voted and who got others to vote! Your help has meant the world for this game. I’m…

  • Post-Announcement Updates

    Post-Announcement Updates

    There have been a few updates since I announced the game, so why not just put them all in a blog post? If you’d like these updates in a newsletter instead, remember to sign up at the bottom of A Case of Distrust’s website! Now let’s make this quick so I can get back to creating the…

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