Category: devlog

  • Gameplay Demo

    Gameplay Demo

    I said I’d have gameplay to show by the end of May, so I’m posting this week’s blog entry a day early. Here’s a vertical slice of my game. A special thank you to my good friend Mark “Marowi” Wilson, who generously contributed all the audio for this demo. I’ll dissect it with you eventually, maybe even in next week’s post, but…

  • Failing to Fail

    Failing to Fail

    “Fail Fast” and similar mantras have evolved from well-meaning advice, to start-up slogans, to hollow catch-phrases (I mean, you can get the quotes on throw pillows now). But the original spirit — that quick iterations and pivots are vital to eventual success — is still very true for games. Even veteran designers concede that no mechanic ever works exactly as they envision. Iteration is a…

  • This Too Shall Pass

    This Too Shall Pass

    I don’t want to write this blog post. I’m dripping sweat on the hottest day of the year thus far, barely sheltered from the heat in a cafe with a broken fan, where my damned iced drink still isn’t here, and I’ve hit a brick wall in my game development. It’s that last point that’s put me in a mood. I…

  • That Greasy Lunch

    That Greasy Lunch

    Seven years ago today, I was living my childhood dream. Years of dedication culminated in my first gig making video games — designing, prototyping, iterating. I was beaming with enthusiasm. As the year progressed, coworkers turned into close friends, including my then-manager, Fred St-Amour — who remains my greatest mentor, but don’t tell him or he’ll get too cocky.…