Category: devlog

  • Making an Entrance  Part 2: The Design

    Making an Entrance
    Part 2: The Design

    Creating an intro sequence needs writing, design, art, and code. A few weeks ago I outlined the importance of setting mood, foreshadowing themes, and hooking players with the writing. I brushed over the game design, but that’s equally vital to a good player experience. Teach Me! There are similarities between introductions in books, plays, films, and games…

  • Making an Entrance  Part 1: The Writing

    Making an Entrance
    Part 1: The Writing

    I enjoyed the Crafting the Map Screen feature because it gave a thorough look at making the game: a combination of art, design, and code required for even a simple feature. Similarly, my game’s intro sequence needs art, design, and code. But it also has one more element: writing. I’ll break down each of these aspects in their own posts. For this first part,…

  • The Future of Games in the Past

    The Future of Games in the Past

    In her article a few months ago, Brie Code outlined her ideal future for video games. The full essay is worth reading, but you can get the conclusion from her final sentences: …we want to break out of established paradigms. We want to think about ideas from different angles and draw on different references… We want games…

  • Delicious Jam

    Delicious Jam

    Even the most passionate of workers can become lackadaisical. After all, what good is working late nights when you’re stunted by apathy? I’ve written about six-hour workdays and killing deadlines to combat overwork, but a creative mind can also become lethargic from monotony — even if it’s unnoticed. How do we rekindle that enthusiasm? Make something new. Last weekend, I jammed…