Category: devlog

  • It’s Happening!

    It’s Happening!

    Big updates! Sorry if this post gets too many exclamation points, but in all my years making games, I’ve never been this excited to announce one! The game is now called A Case of Distrust. It has its own website. And, in order for it to be successful, I need to get it onto Steam, so please, if…

  • Making an Entrance  Part 4: Implementation

    Making an Entrance
    Part 4: Implementation

    Unlike other elements of my introduction, the implementation doesn’t care about hooking players into the game, or layering future themes, or even being pretty. It just needs to work. When I say “implementation”, I’m referring to what drives how players interact with the game — what runs the game in the background? I could use the word “code” instead of…

  • Making an Entrance  Part 3: The Visuals

    Making an Entrance
    Part 3: The Visuals

    Much like the other elements of the introduction, the visual style has to grab players. Sure, they’re coming to the game after being exposed to screenshots or trailers, but that doesn’t mean they’ll stick around if they don’t get hooked. The art needs to have a spark that previews the best parts of rest of the game. Inspiration…

  • Game Developer

    Game Developer

    A man in a white and blue windbreaker sprints across the sidewalk ten feet in front of me. Chasing closely behind him is another man wearing navy, with a silver badge reflecting in the sun that reads SECURITY. The man in the Windbreaker is faster, but he falters, losing his balance when stepping down a curb. He catches…