Category: devlog

  • Bonus Round: BenWander_StyleDemo

    Bonus Round: BenWander_StyleDemo

    This past month, I’ve been brainstorming and prototyping various aspects of my game. The following demo is the fruit of those labours. I’ll write about it in Wednesday’s post, but I wanted to let you guys play the demo before I break it down. Some caveats are important to understand it: This is a first pass visual representation of what…

  • Death to Deadlines

    Death to Deadlines

    One beauty of solo development is managing only one person — Ben Wander. And that chap’s pretty swell. He’s a hard worker, passionate about his job, and more dedicated than a pack mule. Beyond his working hours, he spends a great deal of time researching other indies, critically analyzing many games, and studying other media, taking detailed notes to improve his…

  • Mysteries of Work and Travel

    Mysteries of Work and Travel

    The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Whoever does not know it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed. As my jet flies over Japan…

  • The Project

    The Project

    I began this weekly blog as a genuine attempt at open development. All the triumphs, adversities, difficulties, and successes, logged and shared with the world. Really, it’s the best thing I can offer: an honest look into making games, traveling, and the experience of both in concert. If I’m not completely open, what’s the point? In that mindset,…